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AgroForum Mare Balticum – Agroecology as a driver for sustainable food systems
23th – 25th April 2019
24th April
Opening plenary
Agroecology for Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems. Clayton Campagnolla, Strategic Programme Leader, FAO
Agro-ecology, sustainable agriculture: can we change policies and practices? Franck Jesus, Head of Natural Resources Policies Division, OECD
The Agroecology and the Common Agricultural Policy. Pierre Bascou, Director for Sustainability and Income Support in DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Agricultural and Rural Development issues. Tengiz Kalandadze (Head of the Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia)
Agroecology from the Latvian perspective. Aivars Lapiņš (Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Latvia)
Role of agroecology in climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation. Jerzy Kozyra (BIOECON)
Thematic sessions
GROUP 1: Agroecology as a driver for sustainable food systems. (Ministers and heads of delegations, with invitations only!)
GROUP 2: Climate change and agroecology (organised together with Council of the Baltic Sea States) Moderator: Valdur Lahtvee
Estonian National climate policy goals for Agriculture sector. Martti Mandel (Head of Agricultural Environment Bureau of the Ministry of Rural Affairs of Estonia)
Adaptation of farming systems to climate change. Ragnar Leming (Estonian University of Life Sciences)
Response of forest biomass to climate change and measures to carbon management in soils. Steffen M. Noe (Estonian University of Life Sciences)
Information needs, barriers and incentives to adopting climate change mitigation and adaptation actions in boreal agriculture. Dr. Karoliina Rimhanen (Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke))
GROUP 3: Agroecology and bioeconomy
Agroecological principles in milk production. Andrii Dykun (Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine)
Bioeconomy and agroecology in Russia. Prof Nadezhda Tcyganova (Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University)
Methods and means to reduce environmental risks from spreaders and sprayers during crop cultivation technologies. Prof. Viktor Smelik (Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University, vice-rector of research)
Crop disease management using micro-ecology system. Prof Wang Aoxue (North-East Agricultural University, Dean of the College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, China)
GROUP 4: Smart and sustainable use of manure - GreenAgri and Manure Standards project outcomes (NB! this parallel session will last until 18.00!)
Opening of the plenary session. Project GreenAgri main results. Roomet Sõrmus, Chairman of the Board, the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
Environmentally-friendly farming practices in manure management- experience of project „GreenAgri“ demo farms.
Experience from Estonian farms Pille Antons, Senior Expert, Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment OÜ;
Experience from Latvian farms Iveta Grudovska, Agricultural Expert, NGO Latvian Farmers Parliament
The usage of Vizura® fraction in semi-liquid manure for reducing NO3 leaching. Jordi Escuer Gatius, MSc, Junior Researcher, Researcher of Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, EMU
Manure Standards project and main outputs. Susanna Kaasinen, HELCOM
Manure sampling and Manure Calculation Tool. Its efficiency on farm and national level. Allan Kaasik, PhD, Assistant Professor, feeding advisor/consultant, the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, EMU
Assessment of the economic impact of new regulations under Water Act. Mati Mõtte, Advisor of Rural Economy Analysis Department, Estonian Agricultural Research Centre
Manure storage in Latvian farms, results of mapping and main challenges. Kaspars Žurinš, the Director of Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Center
Closing panel discussion: Is Agroecology the Solution?! Moderated by Ruve Schank.
25th April
Closing plenary on future visions (main building, assembly hall)
Health of the Baltic Sea and its influence on surrounding nations. Susanna Kaasinen (HELCOM)
Sustainable food production with precision farming. Prof Kalev Sepp (Estonian University of Life Sciences)
Healthy consumers influence on food production. Eha Nurk (The National Institute for Health Development)
Sustainable and ecologically friendly meat production. Katrin Noorkõiv (Liivimaa Lihaveis, Nordic Meats)
Meat Guide - helping the consumer to find sustainable meat. Silja Kana (Estonian Nature Fund)