Speakers 2015
Mr. Franck Jésus works as the head of the Environment Division in the Trade and Agriculture Directorate of OECD. Prior to this he worked in GEF Climate Change and Chemicals Division as Senior Climate Change specialist on the development of eco cities, and reduction of emission related to deforestation and land degradation and carbon sequestration through forest and agricultural projects.
Ms Eugenia Serova works as the director of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of FAO

Mr Schulz-Greve is the Head of Unit of Economic analysis of EU agriculture at DG Agriculture and Rural Development in European Commission.
Mr Schulz-Greve studied agricultural sciences at the Göttingen University and gained a doctorate in Agricultural Economics. In 1996, he started his career in the European Commission, working on rural development and as a speechwriter for Commissioner Fischler. After a stopover in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he returned to economic analysis in DG AGRI, working in particular on risk management tools and biofuels. In 2006, he was nominated deputy head of the unit dealing with arable crops, sugar, fibre plants and animal feed. Since May 2007 he is working as an assistant to the Director General of DG Agriculture and Rural Development.
Mr Ado Lõhmus works as vice-chancellor at the Estonian Ministry of the Environment.
Mr Tobias Gräs (Policy Advisor, Danish Agriculture and Food Council)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Harald von Witzke works as Professor and Chair for International Agricultural Trade and Development in Humboldt University of Berlin since 1994, and is the president of the Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture. His research focuses on International Agricultural Trade and Economic Development; World Food Security; Quality Regulation in International Trade; Distributive Effects of Globalization in World Agriculture; Climate Change and World Agriculture.
Prof. Allan Buckwell works in Institute for European Environmental Policy.
Emeritus Professor Allan Buckwell joined IEEP as a half-time Senior Fellow in January 2012. Two thirds of his career has been as an academic agricultural economist specialising in agricultural and rural policy. This involved fourteen years at Newcastle University and then from 1984-1999 as Professor of Agricultural Economics, Wye College University of London (which was merged into Imperial College). During this period he specialised on teaching and research into all aspects of European rural policy dealing especially with the Common Agricultural Policy, trade issues, and technology and structural change in farming and its impacts.
During 1995/6 he was seconded to the analysis and conception unit of DG Agri in the European Commission where he chaired a policy integration group who laid out a model for the evolution of the CAP. He joined the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) as Policy Director in 2000.
Since then he has been involved in debates on how to balance the CAP as a policy for Food and Environmental Security. He chaired and authored a report on Public Goods from Private Land and worked a good deal on Climate Change, the threats and opportunities this poses to rural land managers and Green House Gas accounting from land-based businesses.
Prof Alar Astover is a professor on soil management in the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Dr. Wolfram Schaecke (Competence Centre for Nutrition, Germany) works as head of the Competence Centre for Nutrition (KErn), Germany, which focuses on exchanges between research, food industry / production and nutrition education, thus ensuring knowledge on safe, healthy and sustainably produced food for the population.
Ms Maria Osbeck works as Research Fellow in the field of water management and rural development in Stockholm Environment Institute
Maria holds a MSc in rural development from the Swedish University of Agriculture and a BA in Asian studies and political science from Lund University. She specializes in a broad range of social theories and applications. She has vast experience of multidisciplinary projects focusing on river basin management, coastal resource management and land use planning and changes. Maria is a trained facilitator and has extensive experience in participatory community research and planning.
Maria’s research work covers many areas of environment and development with a particular focus on governance, stakeholder engagement, learning, sustainability assessment, project evaluation and policy integration in water-, forests- and coastal systems.
At SEI she has led projects in the Baltic Sea Region on nutrient management and agriculture and is currently a BONUS funded project called Miracle that focuses on nutrient management in agricultural systems and flooding in urban areas. She is also involved in projects on investments in biofuels in Southeast Asia.
Mr Ola Pettersson works as senior project leader JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering
Ola Pettersson’s work at JTI is linked to mechanical technology in the agriculture area. His area includes as well research, investigations and information. Questions that have interested Ola during the last years are, how to move over to a primary production that are independent from fossil fuel, energy efficiency in agricultural area, reasons for costly repair of agriculture machines, effects that are achieved with new types of fuel and oils, hydraulic systems, fuel economy and energy use on the farm. Ola Pettersson was project leader over last year for the Swedish project Sweden´s primary production and supply of food - the possible consequences of a lack on fossil energy. Ola holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering at Uppsala University.
Prof Thomas Kätterer is professor of Systems Ecology in Swedish University of Agricultural Science
His workgroup studies interactions between the living and the nonliving in terrestrial ecosystems including human interactions. The ecosystems can be a handful of soil, a park, a landscape or the entire biosphere. The focus is more on biological processes than individual organisms, often in the form of states and flows of energy, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements.
His main research topic focuses primarily on the interaction between crops and soil, carbon and nutrient cycling in agro-ecosystems and carbon sequestration related to agricultural management in order to generate knowledge that is needed for designing agricultural systems that are efficient and sustainable.
Mr Peter Wallenberg is an expert and project leader ‘Water’ in Swedish Farmers Association
The Federation of Swedish Farmers – LRF – is an interest and business organisation for the green industry with approximately 170 000 individual members. Together they represent some 90 000 enterprises, which makes LRF the largest organisation for small enterprises in Sweden.
Peter Wallenberg is an expert at the Federation of Swedish Farmers and specialises on water quality and agricultural environmental impact. He has been involved in several international projects concerning the Baltic Sea and sustainable agriculture.
Peter has previously worked at the Swedish Board of Agriculture which is the Government's expert authority in matters of agri-food policy, and is responsible for the agricultural and horticultural sectors. Peter was the responsible expert and contact person for the environmental objective “Reduced Climate Impact”.
Dr. Gaby-Fleur Böl works as a head of Department of Risk Communication at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany, which focuses on strengthening consumer health protection in Germany and on the international level.
Mr Andriy Rozstalnyy works as Animal Production and Health Officer at FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. He provides a technical advisory support to FAO members, regional and sub-regional organizations on the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for the development, integration and improvement of a sustainable livestock sector in the region. It covers crosscutting issues such as, support to prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases, sustainable livestock production, biodiversity, good agricultural practices ,etc
Prof David R. Arney is a professor on animal welfare in the Estonian University of Life Sciences. His current research focus is on animal health and welfare in dairy industry as well as organic livestock management in Europe. He is also responsible of organising annual conference "Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2015" (Healthy animal and healthy food 2015) in Tartu, Estonia.
Prof Mait Kriipsalu is a professor on water protection in the Estonian University of Life Sciences. His main research focus is on waste recycling and organic waste management technologies.