Here you can find presentation slides from Agroforum Mare Balticum 2015.
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April 15
Ms Eugenia Serova (Director of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of FAO) – Impact of Trade on Food and Energy Sustainability
Mr Aleksei Pavlenko (Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine) – Main elements of the reforms made by the new Government of the Ukraine in the agro-food sector, including strengthening international co-operation
Mr Franck Jésus (Head of the Environment Division in the Trade and Agriculture Directorate of OECD) – Efficient Policies for a Sustainable Agriculture: Progress Towards Green Growth, and Future Challenges
Mr Willi Schulz-Greve (Head of the Unit of Analysis of Trade and International Policies of European Commission) – Impact of Sanctions on Food and Energy Sustainability
Mr Ado Lõhmus (vice-chancellor at the Ministry of the Environment) – CBSS Contribution to Food and Energy Sustainability
Group 2 - Entrepreneurs; Main topic: Sustainable Food Production
Mr Tobias Gräs (Policy Advisor, Danish Agriculture and Food Council) – Sustainable Agriculture from a Danish Perspective
Mr Margus Ameerikas (Development Director, Balti Agro Ltd) – Energy and Carbon Balance in the Field
Mr Peter Thomsen (Consultant, Optifarm (Pilt Trading OÜ)) – Sustainability, a Way to Prepare for the Future. Facts and Experience from Danish Agriculture
Mr Eimantas Pranauskas (Deputy Director, Lithuanian Association of Agricultural Companies) – Sustainable Agriculture from a Lithuanian Perspective
Group 3 - Universities and research institutions
Ms Sara Almqvist (Swedish Institute) – Possibilities of International Project Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region and The Eastern Partnership Countries
Prof Viktor Efimov (rector of St Petersburg State Agrarian University) – Methodological Prerequisites Food and Energy Sustainability
Dr Wolfram Schaecke (Competence Centre for Nutrition, Germany) – Balanced Nutrition in our Diet
Prof Raivo Vokk (Tallinn University of Technology, Chair of Food Science) – Impact of Contemporary Food on Human Health
Group 4 - Thematic workgroup: Efficient Use of Resources
Ms Maria Osbeck (Research Fellow, Water management, rural development, Stockholm Environment Institute) – Nutrient Management in a Diversified Region – Experiences from Baltic COMPASS
Mr Ola Pettersson (Senior project leader JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering) – Sweden's agricultural production and supply of food at a long-term fossil fuel shortage’
Prof Thomas Kätterer (Professor of Systems Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, SLU) – Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations
Mr Peter Wallenberg (Expert and project leader ‘Water’, Swedish Farmers Association, LRF) – Reduction of Carbon Emissions – Improving Efficient Use of Resources in Agriculture
Prof Dr Dr Harald von Witzke (Humboldt University) – The Value of Modern Agriculture to Society
April 16
Mr Andriy Rozstalnyy (FAO) – Global Developments and Challenges in Livestock Production
Prof David R. Arney (Estonian University of Life Sciences) – Animal Welfare and Food Quality
Prof Mait Kriipsalu (Estonian University of Life Sciences) – Food waste of tomorrow
Dr Gaby-Fleur Böl (Head of Department of Risk Communication at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany) – Risks with Food
Prof Alar Astover (Estonian University of Life Sciences) – Soils within Global and Local Challenges
Prof Allan Buckwell (Institute for European Environmental Policy) – Have We Yet Discovered the Right CAP for Sustainable Agriculture?