program 2015


AgroForum Mare Balticum – Food and Energy Sustainability

14th – 16th April 2015

Venue: Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU); Assembly Hall, Kreutzwaldi St. 1, Tartu

Language: English and Russian are the official languages of the conference. 


14. April

Arrival in Tartu 

20.00  Reception in Tartu Town Hall, welcome by Mayor of Tartu 


15. April

Conference  (EMU main building assembly hall, Kreutzwaldi 1A, Tartu) 

8.30 - 9.30 Registration and welcome coffee

9.30 - 12.30 Opening plenary

Moderator: Mr Raivo Vare, entrepreneur, former state minister of Estonia

Welcome by Estonian Minister of Agriculture and EMU Rector

9.45 Ms Eugenia Serova (Director of Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division of FAO) – Impact of Trade on Food and Energy Sustainability

10.10 Mr Aleksei Pavlenko (Minister of Agriculture of Ukraine) – Main elements of the reforms made by the new Government of the Ukraine in the agro-food sector, including strengthening international co-operation

10.30 - 11.15 Coffee break (Baltic Sea Culinary Routes) 

11.15 Mr Franck Jésus (Head of the Environment Division in the Trade and Agriculture Directorate of OECD) – Efficient Policies for a Sustainable Agriculture: Progress Towards Green Growth, and Future Challenges

11.40 Mr Willi Schulz-Greve (Head of the Unit of Analysis of Trade and International Policies of European Commission) – Impact of Sanctions on Food and Energy Sustainability 


12.05 Mr Ado Lõhmus (vice-chancellor at the Ministry of the Environment) – CBSS Contribution to Food and Energy Sustainability 

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch 

13.30 - 15.30 Roundtables (respective rooms), plenary continues (Group 3; Kreutzwaldi 1A, assembly hall) 

Group 1 - Heads of official delegations - Forestry building (Kreutzwaldi 5) 

Moderator: Mr. Urmas Kruuse, Estonian Minister for Rural Affairs 

Main topic: Impact of trade on sustainability of food and energy

Group 2 - Entrepreneurs - Institute of Technology (Kreutzwaldi 56 - 204) 

Moderator: Mr Roomet Sõrmus, Chairman of Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce 

Main topic: Sustainable Food Production

  • Mr Tobias Gräs (Policy Advisor, Danish Agriculture and Food Council) – Sustainable Agriculture from a Danish Perspective
  • Mr Margus Ameerikas (Development Director, Balti Agro Ltd)  Energy and Carbon Balance in the Field

  • Mr Peter Thomsen (Consultant, Optifarm (Pilt Trading OÜ)) – Sustainability, a Way to Prepare for the Future. Facts and Experience from Danish Agriculture 

  • Mr Eimantas Pranauskas (Deputy Director, Lithuanian Association of Agricultural Companies)  Sustainable Agriculture from a Lithuanian Perspective

Group 3 - Universities and research institutions - Main building, assembly hall 

Moderator: Mr Aret Vooremäe, director of Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, EMÜ

13.30 - 13.55 Ms Sara Almqvist (Swedish Institute) – Possibilities of International Project Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region and The Eastern Partnership Countries 

13.55 - 14.20 Prof Viktor Efimov (rector of St Petersburg State Agrarian University) – Methodological Prerequisites Food and Energy Sustainability 

14.20 - 14.55 Dr Wolfram Schaecke (Competence Centre for Nutrition, Germany) Balanced Nutrition in our Diet

14.55 - 15.30 Prof Raivo Vokk (Tallinn University of Technology, Chair of Food Science) – Impact of Contemporary Food on Human Health 

Group 4 - Efficient Use of Resources Forestry building (Kreutzwaldi 5 - 2C5) 

Moderator: Ms Johanna Stål, Editor in Chief & founder of ‘Camino’ Magazine, Sweden

13:40 - 13:55 Ms Maria Osbeck (Research Fellow, Water management, rural development, Stockholm Environment Institute)  Nutrient Management in a Diversified Region – Experiences from Baltic COMPASS

14:00 - 14:15 Mr Ola Pettersson (Senior project leader JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering) – Sweden's agricultural production and supply of food at a long-term fossil fuel shortage’ 

14:20 - 14:35 Prof Thomas Kätterer (Professor of Systems Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, SLU) – Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations

14:40 - 14:55 Mr Peter Wallenberg (Expert and project leader ‘Water’, Swedish Farmers Association, LRF)  Reduction of Carbon Emissions – Improving Efficient Use of Resources in Agriculture 

15:00 - 15:30 Panel discussion & Q & A

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break (Baltic Sea Culinary Routes)

16.00 - 17.30 Sum-up plenary (main building assembly hall) 

Moderator: Mr Raivo Vare, entrepreneur, former state minister of Estonia

16.00 - 16.45 Prof Dr Dr Harald von Witzke (Humboldt University) The Value of Modern Agriculture to Society

16.45 - 17.30 Conclusions; reports of roundtables, chairs’ summary

19.00 - 22.00 Conference dinner (Restaurant Atlantis)


16. April

Conference continues (EMU main building, Kreutzwaldi 1A, Tartu)

8.30 - 9.00 Registration and welcome coffee 

9.00 - 12.00 Closing plenary (main building, assembly hall)

Moderator: Mr Raivo Vare, entrepreneur, former state minister of Estonia

9.00 -9.25 Mr Andriy Rozstalnyy (FAO)  Global Developments and Challenges in Livestock Production

9.25 - 9.50 Prof David R. Arney (Estonian University of Life Sciences) Animal Welfare and Food Quality

9.50 - 10.15 Prof Mait Kriipsalu (Estonian University of Life Sciences Food waste of tomorrow 

10.15 - 10.40 Dr Gaby-Fleur Böl (Head of Department of Risk Communication at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany)  Risks with Food 

10.40 - 11.05 Prof Alar Astover (Estonian University of Life Sciences)  Soils within Global and Local Challenges

11.05 - 11.30 Prof Allan Buckwell (Institute for European Environmental Policy)  Have We Yet Discovered the Right CAP for Sustainable Agriculture?

11.30 - 12.00 Coffee break and walk to the fair.

12.00 Opening of the Agricultural fair 2015. Visit to the fair. 
